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一个夏天的一天,一个学生王子决定去进行一次小小的冒险. “It won’t be long before I have a career,” the Prince said, “so I’d better start preparing now.“因此,在他们的帽子下有一些'伯格教育', 还有一些幕后关系, 学生王子开始通过实习开拓自己的道路. 澳门银河网站继续澳门银河网站的网络系列


博士在读学生. Pam Faber’s 400-level Cadaver Prosection class carried out a tradition on Thursday by expressing gratitude for the silent teaching partners who have given a rare and amazing gift to them. 学生们——Camryn Casto, 凯蒂eml, Katelynn Helminiak, 克里斯汀•Kracht, Kailyn Kroll, Brynlee银朱, 迈克尔·伍迪和摩根


澳门银河网站董事会宣布, 根据罗伯特。H. Huntington’s 2024-2029 employment agreement, his contract has been extended an additional year. Board Chair Kathleen Tirbovich Geier made the announcement following the Board’s fall meetings in October. 罗布被骗了

Service through music: ’Berg band director marching in Macy’s parade

感恩节的早晨, 纽约现场直播, the Heidelberg family will be represented at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Heidelberg Band Director Rod Miller is serving as the assistant band director for America’s Band Directors Marching Band. Rod has been serving as Heidelberg’s band director since 2022, following the departure of his friend


The Department of 心理学 and 犯罪学’s annual Behavioral Science showcase on 11月1日2 brought three young alumni panelists back to campus to talk about their careers, while current students in the department presented about their culminating research or internship experiences. 今年,由以前的学生组成的小组包括梅雷迪思


在退伍军人节前夕,澳门银河网站商学院院长Dr. 安妮·安德森——西点军校毕业生,前美国陆军军官.S. Army Corps of Engineers – challenged the campus community and 吃午饭 residents to commit to live daily to honor the sacrifice made by those who have fought, 在很多情况下, 死, 为了澳门银河网站所享有的自由


曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. 麦肯齐·德弗·麦肯齐

81岁的澳门银河网站Leon Garoufalis将加入伯格学院董事会

澳门银河网站Leon Garoufalis, 81届, 复合材料公司的总裁兼首席执行官, has been selected to serve a four-year term on 澳门银河网站’s Board of Trustees, 2024年2月开始. Composites One is the leading supplier of composites and advanced composite materials throughout North America. 利昂,他住在克里斯托


With a degree in 数据分析, doors are wide open for career options. Beginning in the Fall of ’24, Heidelberg will add that major and minor to its academic offerings. “因为现在一切都是数据驱动的, we in the (计算机科学) Department have been talking about this for a while, 问自己它是大调还是小调


澳门银河网站校园里有一个新的学生组织. The Student Military 支持 Alliance (SMSA) is a group of students working together to navigate military experiences, 福利和活动. 该组织的主席是尼古拉斯·麦卡沃伊. Nik is in his third year at Heidelberg, on track to graduate early in the spring. 他的专业是

Dr. 比尔·金伯林1998年的《与死刑犯的对话

Dr. 比尔Kimberlin, 她是澳门银河网站研究生咨询项目的98届毕业生, 周一,他几乎回到了澳门银河网站. 萨拉·拉扎里的当代美国社会问题课. Kimberlin is an author, a professor, but first and foremost, a researcher. “I never wanted to be the kind of professor who only taught about things I’d read


“你可能累了. 不会放弃. 你可能会崩溃. 不会放弃. 你可能会感到沮丧. 不会放弃.” That was the strong message delivered Thursday night by author Dan Olowabi, the keynote speaker for the Heidelberg 商学院’ annual Lessons in Leadership event. The executive director of Branches Worldwide, Dan is the author of Amazon's

实习纪事,第38章:Crimson Stuckert

一个夏天的一天,一个学生王子决定去进行一次小小的冒险. “It won’t be long before I have a career,” the Prince said, “so I’d better start preparing now.“因此,在他们的帽子下有一些'伯格教育', 还有一些幕后关系, 学生王子开始通过实习开拓自己的道路. 澳门银河网站继续澳门银河网站的网络系列


Dr. 卡罗尔•托马斯, 澳门银河网站的职业和军事服务主任, is dedicated to helping students and service members alike create strategies for entering the workforce. 一位资深, 自己, assisting fellow service members recognize and project their talents and accomplishments became a passion of hers. 随着退伍军人节的临近


从周三开始, 11月1日, Parkhurst Dining Service is re-inventing a popular tradition at the ’Berg. “Meals with Mentors” brings faculty and staff together with students to have a relaxed meal and connect beyond all of the work of everyday life. This renewed program will continue on Wednesdays during the school year, around dinner time in


曾经是澳门银河网站家族的一员, 一直是澳门银河网站大家庭的一员——但在毕业之后, our Student Princes are now the hard-working and ever-learning leaders of a new community. 在澳门银河网站新的网络系列节目中, we’re checking in with our recent grads about their Heidelberg journeys, 然后问他们胡把你带到哪里去了. 玛蒂·克劳福德,玛蒂


上周有消息称澳门银河网站获得了2美元的奖金.1.65亿年 第三章 federal grant caught the attention of two regional TV stations, 在其他媒体中. 上周五,WTOL的Jon Monk在澳门银河网站,周三,J.D. WTVG的Pooley第一次参观了校园. 两位多媒体记者都进行了采访


星期二上午, local middle school and high school students and Heidelberg students alike gathered to learn about modern instances of genocide, 它带来的恐怖, and what is being done to combat ongoing genocides and prevent them in the future. The Lichtman-Behm Genocide Lecture Series gives an annual lecture by an expert or a


These five biochemistry majors – three current seniors and two ’23 grads – really do love chemistry. A project they were commissioned to do back in the 2021-22 school year has come to fruition and really demonstrates just how much they love it. Courtney Temple和Lauren Mussig, ‘23, 还有现在大四的柯尔斯滕·克拉赫特, 克里姆森·斯塔克特和


一个夏天的一天,一个学生王子决定去进行一次小小的冒险. “It won’t be long before I have a career,” the Prince said, “so I’d better start preparing now.“因此,在他们的帽子下有一些'伯格教育', 还有一些幕后关系, 学生王子开始通过实习开拓自己的道路. 澳门银河网站继续澳门银河网站的网络系列

HYPE speaker Crystal Kadakia: Conquer career fears for fulfilling life

Crystal Kadakia是今年的第二届HYPE演讲者. 她“已经成年16年了,在过去的16年里, she has developed her passion for problem-solving and building bridges to become an expert in organizational change. Her talk for Heidelberg students this morning got them imagining and thinking about how they should

西格玛Tau Nu颁发第一届Jack Bertolino纪念奖学金

当你举办派对时,你永远不知道谁会出现. 这就是2019年澳门银河网站返校节的情况. The annual event that year also marked the 70th anniversary of Sigma Tau Nu Fraternity. 请柬发出了,每个人都希望出席的人多, 有机会回忆往事,甚至认识新朋友. 碰巧杰克·J